Thursday, December 17, 2015

Best gift

It was a Thursday on thanksgiving morning. My dad woke us all up, so like my siblings. I have 4 siblings plus me. My dad woke us all up and he told us to get dressed because we were going somewhere. So we did and we didn't know where we were going. We thought he was going to pay his bills or something but he wasn't. We went inside the sprint store and ask the lady if he could get 6 lines and 6 iPhone 6s were all so happy. We waited long because they had to do a process. 1 by 1 each we got our phones but we had to exchange our pictures and date into the iPhone so it took longer. We each picked a color I picked rose gold because that's the only way you can tell it's the iPhone 6s. My dad wasn't use to it because he had a Samsung Galaxy 6 edge. I was like the 4th to get it. We were in there for at least 2 hours because we had T-Mobile now we have sprint and they had to switch our data and stuff like that. We traded in our phones. When we went home I gave my dad a hug because he gave us iPhones. But I don't think I'm gonna get a lot of stuff for Christmas. He told me that were not getting a lot of stuff for Christmas. I was sad but happy at the same time because I didn't really care. 

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